
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Frank Friar - Episode 174: Insights from Saint Luke and the Eucharist

For the episode today, I speak a little bit about the Gospel from the Feast of Corpus Christi this past weekend. Luke introduces the multiplication of the loaves and fishes by Christ teaching about the Kingdom and healing of the sick. What can we learn from this act of St. Luke? I address that question today. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 173: Enders Island and the Carmelite family

This past weekend, June 22-23, I was in Mystic, CT on Enders Island. I was asked to help with a Lay Carmelite Retreat weekend. It was an amazing weekend. Why? Amazing weather and time with their family, what more could be asked for? This weekend has given my heart a lot of joy. I speak about that joy today with you all. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 172: The Journey of Love and the Trinity

The previous Sunday before this episode was Trinity Sunday. Now, ever celebration of the Mass is an act of celebrating the Trinity. Yet, on that specific feast day from this Sunday past we are being called to wrestle with the revealed God who has made himself known as a Trinity. One God in three Persons. Today, I talk about the path of love that is necessary to lead us up to the celebration of the Trinity. God is Love (1st Jn. 4:16). To grow in relationship with God is to grow in love with God. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 171: Reality Check

Well I got my new prosthetic. To say I am happy is an understatement. In the matter of a few days I have shared this joy on many social media pages. With that I felt it is important to note that the struggle is real in my life. I always worry about hero worship and putting people or things on a pedestal. Thus, the episode today is realistic sort of gut check as I lay before you all my future reality as a means for all of us to understand the struggles we will be facing. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 170: Rejoicing in the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is the Giver of Life as our creed teaches us. The divine life is possible to us in the Spirit through the life of Christ. The divine life is not something waiting for us but a gift we receive now and grow in as we follow the lead of the Spirit in this life. From that relationship, thanks be to Christ, we can be a rejoicing people. Why? Because in the Spirit we will rise, a reality and a promise made know via the resurrection of Jesus Christ. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 169: The Celestial Choir: Our Place in it via The Holy Spirit

We are a pilgrim people. This movement is not about a distance but about a state of being. We are called to be like Christ. This state of being is only possible the sanctification offers to us by the Holy Spirit. I talk about that work of the Spirit and how through it we can take up our place in the celestial choir. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 168: You Are Not Atlas: The Need to Embrace the Fear of the Lord

I recently wrote an article on the Spirit’s gift of piety. Since, my time working on that article my mind has been going over the other gifts, in particularly the gift of the fear of the Lord. I talk about that gift today in the light of a condition I see among people and myself I call the “Atlas Complex.” Pentecost is approaching let us offer some time to think about what it means to have the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 167: New Steps, First Steps, and the Holy Spirit

Recently, I was able to walk around in a prototype prosthetic. I hope to be walking in a permanent one soon and begin my physical therapy. Since, I took those steps my mind has been stewing over the spiritual reality that the Holy Spirit makes possible for us. I hope you enjoy the podcast today. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar