
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Frank Friar - Episode 166: Words, Conformity and the Dangers of Normalcy

Words have power. Not the same power as a fist, but power none the less. Each society uses language to cultivate a way of life that it thinks is the best. Yet, St. Paul calls us not to become conformed to the world (Rom. 12: 1-3). How have we become confirmed to the world is an important question each Christian must ask themselves. Today, I call out the danger of conforming to the vision of normalcy that others may place upon us. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 165: We Are A Freed People

What is meant t be a free person? What does it mean to be a free people? How are we to understand how freedom is spoken about in the bible? These are only a few questions I wrestle with in the episode today. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 164: Marian Day 2019 and the Need for Docility

Here is a bit of a longer podcast episode. The episode is a recording from my recent conference for the Lay Carmelites of our Province. I speak about docility. That is the virtue and the lens for the talk. There is a Q/A part at the end of the conference. You will notice I stumble over my words sometimes because my mind goes faster then my tongue. I hope you enjoy this conference and helps you along your faith journey. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 163: Limb loss, Chaos, and The Book of Revelation

I’m Back. I apologize for being away for two months, but I did loss a limb (I type that with humor). In the podcast today, I talk a little bit about losing a limb and the chaos it is causing me. Within that chaos our recent reading from the Book of Revelation at the recent Sunday Mass has been helpful for me. So, I speak about it. I hope my thoughts help you on our faith journey. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar