
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Frank Friar - Episode 141: To Parents: Help Your Kids to Put on Christ

In the light of the Feast of the Holy Family I find myself stewing on the reading we had from the letter to the Colossians (3: 12-21).  Each of us put on Christ through our baptism, but via our family we can grow into Him who we placed on.  If parents don’t live and rejoice in the faith why would their children remain in the faith?  Today, I talk about the work of the parents in aiding the gift of faith in the life of their children who are themselves gifts from God to their parents.  If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 140: Saint John and The Word

St. John’s Gospel has always played an important role in my life.  Today, I talk about the first few verses of his gospel.  We were brought into being through the Word.  In the light of the Christmas season what are we being told about God’s act of creation?  If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 139: The Permeation of the Darkness on Christmas Night

Merry Christmas everybody!  Today, I reflect upon the birth of Christ during the night.  What does it mean that the Christ child came into the world at night?  May we never forget that even during our darkest moments the light of Christ can always break through it.  If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 138: Out of the Mouth of Babes

Recently, I had two experiences where children acted with such reverence I was taken aback.  My mind and heart are still stewing on this moments.  In the episode today, I try to covey some thoughts about these moments to you all.  Remember, the Lord is always drawing us to liminal places where we can enter into a deeper relationship with Him. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 137: Learning from the Liturgy, A Response to a Sad Action

My podcast episode today again returns to the topic of suicide.  Recently, in my home state of Michigan, it appears a priest sad some devastating things during a funeral of a young man who committed suicide.  In this episode today, I give a response to some of things that he was reported to have said.  In giving a response, I turn to our liturgy as Catholics as a source and guide for our understanding.  May we always remember to act with humility in relationship to what the Church teaches. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 136: A Fact About Saint John of the Cross

The feast day of St. John of the Cross is Dec. 14th.  To prepare ourselves for his feast day I wanted to offer you all an important fact about the early life of St. John of the Cross.  I think sometimes we can lose who this man was by what he wrote.  I hope the episode today helps you to appreciate and embrace St. John of the Cross more! If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 135: Perspectives for Our Faith

Today, I am reflecting upon the readings from the 2 nd Sunday of Advent Year C.  The theme of faith is a point that struck me about all the readings for this day.  Also, the 2 nd candle of the Advent wreath is now burning, which symbolizes faith.  How we look at and approach the gift of faith is an important aspect about our lives as disciples.  I hope the perspectives I offer you through this episode helps you. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 134: Hope and the Second Coming of Christ

For the podcast today, I am reflecting on the readings we had for the 1 st Sunday of Advent.  Christ is our king that has been promised to us via Jeremiah.  St. Paul through his letter to the Thessalonians also teaches us how we live in the world here and now is extremely important.  Finally, the Gospel which gives us the last words of Christ before he entered Jerusalem to suffer death.   Thus, are readings revolve around an idea of the Second Coming of Christ.  We are in a time now were we live by hope to prepare for He comes again. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 133: The Light of Hope

A new liturgical year is upon us.  We are now in the Advent season.  One of the things I love about this time of our liturgical year is the tradition of the Advent wreath.  This year what has struck me about this the first candle of the Advent wreath.  The first candle of the wreath is a symbol of hope.  This symbol means that each new liturgical year begins with the light of hope. Hope which guides us through the year.  Today, I reflect upon this act of hope that starts our new liturgical year in the Church. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at