
Showing posts from November, 2019

The Frank Friar - Episode 212: Getting Ready for NCYC

My province is attending the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC). I ask for your prayers for this event and our participation in it. I speak about my experience with this event and our care for children in the Church. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 211: Self-Care Is Necessary

It is not prideful to care for oneself. This issue of self-care I speak about in this episode today. I did with many people that struggle with this issue and I hope this episode helps struggling with caring for themselves. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 210: Instagram: A Necessary Reality Check

I do a lot of social media work. One of the platforms I use is Instagram. This app is brought up regularly in my ministry at the school in my parish. Today, I speak about one of the dangers of Instagram and how we need to respond to it for the sake of the children entrusted to our families and parishes. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 209: Purification: It Is More Than a No

November is a month when the Church calls us to think about death. One of the practices during this month is praying for the dead. From the practice many conversations around the topic of purgatory arise. The term purgatory has in it the term and idea of purification. Today, I speak about that concept of purification and some good ways to think about it. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 208: A Child’s Experience with Beauty

The episode is based on an experience I had this past All Saints day. A little boy had his heart moved by the beautiful music at the Mass. I share that experience with that boy with you all today. God Bless! If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website  and my YouTube at thefrankfriar

The Frank Friar - Episode 207: Our Public Faith

Part of the Zacchaeus story from the Mass this previous Sunday has really stayed with me. I speak about that part is in the episode today. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me. You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at thefrankfriar