
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Frank Friar - Episode 156: The Hands, The Eucharist, and Feeding the Hungry (Part 2)

Here is part two of my conference I gave the parish’s eucharistic minsters and lectors.  I am still following the logic and danger of familiarity touched upon in part one.  In this episode I talk about the use of our heads during Mass.  I bring in insights from St. Cyril of Jerusalem (one of my favorite saints).  From that point I talk about how we continue to feed people, while also being prepared for the heavenly wedding feast.  Enjoy! If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 155: The Alb, The Mass, and the Victorious People (Part 1)

This is my first two-part episode. It arises from a conference I gave to the parish’s eucharistic ministers and lectors.  These were originally given in Spanish.  I did a few changes to help convey my understandings.  Today, I talk about the Alb, in the context of the mass and the book of revelation.  Enjoy! If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 154: Witnessing a Moment of Joy

I recently attended an event in NYC called New York Encounter .  It is an event put on by the ecclesial group called Communion and Liberation. I was a great event.  There was a lot of joy in the air I experienced there, but why?  I address that joy in the podcast today.       If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 153: The True Danger of the “Woes”

The 6 th Sunday of Ordinary time year C offers us a part of the 6 th chapter of Luke’s Gospel.  We are given the Lucean form of the beatitudes, but those we are given the “woes.” Today, I talk about those “woes” that Jesus gives as a warning about the focus of our lives.  If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 152: Christ with us in Our Vocation

The is an interesting turn that occurs within our Gospel reading from this past weekend.  It was Luke 5: 1-11.  This was the call of Peter and a few of the other apostles.  This tur really helps us to understand Christ in our vocation calls.    If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 151: Being Present to Suffering

Today, I talk a little bit about suffering.  Not our own, but when those in our lives suffering.  Recently, I told the children at one of our two schools that their school would be closing in June.  My thoughts arise out of pondering on this moment from last week.  If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 150: The First Steps of Love

The 4 th Sunday of Ordinary time of year C offers to the people the Spirit inspired wisdom of St. Paul about love in 1 st Cor. 13.  The fourth verse of that chapter begins the definition on love for St. Paul.  Those are the first steps for his insight about journeying in love in Christ by the Spirit. Today, I speak about those first steps of our journey in Love. If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at

The Frank Friar - Episode 149: The Dangers of Familiarity

Reflecting on the rejection of Jesus by his home town family and friends in Luke 4 has always struck me as a warning.  A warning of about what? Is the question I address in the episode today.  If you like my podcast, please make sure to subscribe to the podcast it really does help me.  You can find more of my content at my website and my YouTube at